Flappy Account
Flappy Casino Login & Registration
For better or worse, you can’t start your betting journey at Flappy without singing up – this isn’t like a physical bookmaker where you can put a stack of cash on the desk and instantly come away with a ticket for a horse with a funny name, after all! The site requires some information from you to get you started, and honestly, what it asks for is very reasonable. The registration procedure is quick and painless, and it shouldn’t keep you for too long from beginning your betting journey!
How to Sign Up for Flappy Casino
Click or Tap on Sign Up
Look at the top-right corner of the interface and then click (or tap if on mobile) on the yellow button that says Sign Up. You can also switch to the Sign Up window from the Login one if you accidentally opened that first.
Input Login Details
First off, you’ll have to type in the details you’ll be using to log into Flappy Casino later – so, your email address, username, and password. The latter two can (and should) be unique, but your email address must be valid.
Add Remaining Details
Next, you’ll have to select your country and currency. In some countries you won’t be able to change your currencies, so don’t worry about that. However, be certain to select the real country you’re occupying!
Complete Registration
Finally, tick the box that confirms you’re over 18 and accept Flappy’s terms of service. You can choose whether to tick the box that says you want to receive promotions or not. When you’ve chosen, click or tap on “Sign Up Now”.
Honestly, I didn’t have any issues at all signing up for Flappy – the process was very easy and smooth, and most importantly, it was contained entirely on a single page. I personally really hate it when online bookmakers make you go through tons and tons of steps just so you can complete your registration and play there, but at Flappy that wasn’t a problem. It feels like the site gathers just enough information about you to get you started without going overboard, which in my opinion is the perfect balance between sites that collect too much information and ones that ask for none at all!