Cawino Mobile App
Cawino Mobile App
The mobile-friendly Cawino website, rather than an app, is the way to go if you want to bet freely anywhere from a mobile device. As being able to place bets while on the move is the primary goal, the way in which it happens isn't of such significance, after all, as long as it's there. In this case, it's really not hard at all, because the mobile browser version is incredibly user-friendly, adaptive, and compatible with almost any device or resolution.
The primary menu is located somewhat differently, which is the only actual distinction at first. However, we can guarantee you that you will become accustomed to it in no time at all. When you're on the go and accessing your account, there's one small thing to remember: instead of a pop-up, you might be taken to a different tab when you click “Log In.” This is all dependent on your device, though.
Betting via the mobile browser version of the site wasn’t any different, which is a good thing. Everything worked the absolute same, the graphics were adapted to the resolution of my screen properly, and all the links I needed were active.