OneStep Customer Support
OneStep Customer Support
While a fairly rare occurrence, you could still occasionally stumble into a situation which will require external assistance. When you find yourself needing a helping hand, do your best to remain calm and reach out to Customer Support. You’ll be able to do so in one of the following ways:
- 24/7 Live Chat;
- Email.
You’ll also do well to check out the ‘FAQ’ section, situated in the shortcuts menu on the leftmost side of the page. A number of commonly made inquiries and frequently dealt with problems have already been addressed, so you can definitely benefit by dedicating a few minutes of your time to familiarising yourself with the FAQs. Grab a drink, some snacks and your favourite comfy blanket – happy reading!
Live Chat | Yes |
Yes |
My opinion of the Live Chat at OneStep is somewhat split, seeing as while I do get fast responses, that happens through communication with a ChatBot rather than by actually interacting with a Support agent. As such, I’d say there could still be some improvements done before the 24/7 Live Chat can be considered excellent.